5 Top Holiday Deal Websites for Furniture and Decor
Some people wait until the holidays to buy big ticket items for their home. And yes, they aren’t always shopping for gifts for other people. Why? The deals and the the holiday giveaways!
There is nothing wrong with splurging on your home for the holiday season. Or you can leave clues for others – like an open catalog with some circled items? However you choose to do it, here are the top 5 modern home furniture and decor having big holiday deals until the end of January 2021.

A hidden gem for high quality reproductions of classic mid-century modern and scandinavian furniture. They provide a brief history of the famous designer and background for each replica. The originals of these designs are either in museums or purchased by collectors for insanely expensive prices. Inmod provides a close second to these collector items. They only work with specialty dealers who carry the best of the best. Don’t get us wrong, they continue to maintain competitive prices, but occasionally the items can be a tad higher on the off season. The reason is for the better quality and the fact they don’t sell every brand under the sun. Whereas, some sites sell items that are flimsy and poorly made but have similar styles. They keep a selective line of reproductions. And during the holiday season, they have HUGE sales on items that knock off $100 or more. Free shipping always. End of the year sale and a holiday contest giveaways that only require an entry. And no, they don’t require an entry fee like some other sites either!
World Market is a good site for handmade goods from around the world. Many of the handmade items use raw materials with a very natural look to them. This style isn’t for everyone, but during the holidays they offer discounts for curbside pick-up like 20% off on regular, sale and clearance items. Some people venture to other sites like etsy for handmade items during the holiday season, but many individual sellers on sites like these see the holidays as an opportunity to increase prices, instead of offering special deals.
This decor and furniture dealer sells many different styles but their claim to fame is selling “vintage” items with a small tidbit about where the design originated from in the world. Many of which are handmade as well. They offer a 50% discount on select goods for the holiday season.
This decor website sells tons of accents and other fun holiday gifts, even glass chess boards and other games in an ultra-chic contemporary style. They are offering 30% off selective gift items and 40% the gift of the day for the holiday season.
This site has a big selection of ultra-contemporary designs. The style of furniture is clean-cut and simple. They are offering 50% on select furniture for the holiday season.