Advertising on PadStyle
Thank you for your interest in advertising with PadStyle! Here are some quick traffic facts:
- An average of 40k-50k pageviews a month
- 51% female, 49% male
- Average age of 25; age range is between 16-50
- Average time spent on site is 2min 31s
- 95% US traffic
- Completely organic traffic; 26.3% direct, 11.2% searches, 62.5% other sites
Text Ad guidelines
- Must be appropriate for target audience; G-rated only.
- Payments must be made in advance, on or before the last day of the preceding month; for example, to pay for June, please make your payment on or before May 31.
- Payments are only accepted through Paypal (please email for payment address)
Contact PadStyle for additional info and advertising rates
If you are interested in advertising with PadStyle, please email us at