
Welcome to PadStyle! I realize you have many excellent choices when it comes to decor-themed blogs, so thank you for visiting ours.

So what’s this blog all about anyway?

Here’s the quick one-liner: PadStyle is a decor blog with posts on stylish furnishings for your home.

Advertising on PadStyle

Thanks for your interest in advertising with PadStyle! Here are some quick traffic facts:

  • An average of 40k-50k pageviews a month
  • 51% female, 49% male
  • Average age of 25; age range is between 16-50
  • Average time spent on site is 2min 31s
  • 95% US traffic
  • Completely organic traffic; 26.3% direct, 11.2% searches, 62.5% other sites

Text ad guidelines:

  • Must be appropriate for target audience; G-rated only.
  • Payments must be made in advance, on or before the last day of the preceding month; for example, to pay for June, please make your payment on or before May 31.
  • Payments are only accepted through Paypal (please email contact@padstyle.com for payment address)

Contact PadStyle for additional info and advertising rates

If you are interested in advertising with PadStyle, email us at contact@padstyle.com.