Turn Dried Flowers Into Stylish Bohemian Chic Decor

Bohemian chic style is about filling space with accessories, figurines, artwork, paintings, jewelry and handcrafted items.

It doesn’t always follow a specific set of design rules, probably the only rule is filling the space with decorations that bring happiness with a good eye for placement.

Often times, the design blends rustic with artistic. The decor comes from different places visited while traveling, antique stores, vintage shops, handmade artwork, handcrafted belongings or items found in nature.

If your attracted to this style, an easy way to begin your bohemian chic interior design journey is by recycling those fresh flowers that on their way out. It’s very simple to do, they can be placed in a variety of different ways and they add texture, color and a natural element to the setting.

Before you throw out those dying flowers, turn them upside down and tie one to three rubber bands, ribbons or threads around the base of the stems to hold them in place. The amount if dependent upon the way you want them to look and the amount in a bunch.

You want to hand them upside down so they dry out and don’t droop or curl. You can easily use a thumbtack or nail to pin them to the wall or you can hang them from a hook or the side of a mirror.

You may even want to create a little loop at the end of the string in order to hang them loosely.

You can leave them like this until they completely dry. An alternative is once they completely dry out, take a recycled wine bottle, mason jar or small vase and place the dried flowers in them.

While dried flowers may not have the same vibrancy or fragrance as fresh flowers, they have a charming and vintage look about them, bringing multiple elements of bohemian chic style into your home.