The Home Cleanliness Quiz – How Did You Do?

Did yesterday’s “Clean House” quiz make you think about your cleaning habits? Well, someone here at Padstyle who will remain nameless went home and scrubbed out her shower for the first time in a month after we worked on that quiz!

We’ve got some tips for you on how to keep your home clean and sparkly. The tips are divided into three groups based on the letter result you got after doing the quiz, but all of them are good!

If you got… mostly a’s: You’re a cleanliness guru! We don’t really need to give you any tips (in fact, you’ve probably got some for us!), but here are some things to keep in mind as you clean house:

  • You don’t have to be perfect – we sure aren’t. If cleaning too often is causing you stress, you’re at a point where you can take it down a notch and your home won’t suffer.
  • Try buying more organic, natural products to clean with next time you’re out shopping.
  • Enlist the help of family members for the little tasks – you’ll appreciate the time off from housework!

If you got… mostly b’s: You’ve got the instinct, now just amp it up! Some tips:

  • A little now goes a long way later. You probably know this, but if you do small things more often – like using a daily shower spray – you will have less work later on.
  • Stay vigilant. Don’t put off your Saturday afternoon kitchen scrub-down just because your favorite program comes on TV.
  • Use environmentally-friendly cleaning products, and you’ll not only help the earth, but your skin as well!

If you got… mostly c’s: You need serious cleaning help! Thankfully we’ve got some ideas for you:

  • Start small. You barely clean, so start by wiping your windows one day, counters the next, and then tackle floors on the weekend.
  • Tidiness is the first step. Keeping things off the floor and in their proper place goes a long way in making a clean house.
  • Ask for help. If you’re not sure of the best way to get things clean, get friends and family to pitch in!

Happy cleaning!