Madrid Studio with Bed Suspended From Ceiling
It is any surprise that a modern architect would utilize space in an innovative way? In Madrid, Pia Mendaro does just that for artist, Clara Cebrian, with an outdoor accessible elevated bed design.

The space serves as both the artists home and art studio named “Topo Shed.” Former warehouse turned livable art studio, the space is square shaped and measures 33 x 33 ft.

The most striking feature of the space is the elevated bed suspended from the ceiling with a moveable ladder for climbing atop of it. Mendaro, alongside architect, Manuel Ocana, designed this lightweight, suspended platform. It is capable of supporting up to 5 people. The suspended bed helps to create even more floor space.

Another impressive feature of the elevated bed are the steps that lead to an outdoor space and external views of the outdoors when seated on the steps. The large glass paneled window provides plenty of natural light as well. The designers and architects believe this is an essential element necessary for good mental health.

Cebrian wanted a space that was minimal and flexible with room to expand both creatively and materially within it. For now, there are very few furnishings and fixtures.

Aside from her artwork, a sofa, a few decorations, a couple of rugs and a hammock that is attached to the bottom of the platform where the bed rests, the studio is practically empty. This allows for her art to take precedence and forms a spacious design where plenty of creation can happen.