Is Location More Important than the Home You Buy?
You can have a large estate with everything you could ever want or need in the comfort of your home. But if the location you settle down in doesn’t meet your requirements, the investment you put into your new home may seem one sided.

After factoring in costs, value, property taxes, crime rates and other safety and financial concerns, consider the factors that could make or break where you choose to live. Sometimes, we often overlook these factors when the price is right or too good to be true. To ensure we make the right choice for ourselves and our families, it is helpful to consider the other benefits and possible setbacks to your new location.

If you work an hour away from your home, it may be worth it. However, review the traffic patterns in the area. If you are out the door at 7am but so is everyone else in the area, that hour could quickly turn into 2 hours or more. If you take public transportation to work, factor in the schedule and the amount of people boarding at that time. Noone wants to be packed like sardines or standing before or after a long day.

Are there any scenic locations in the area? A mountain view, a lake nearby, hiking trails, even a community park. Even if you can’t see it from your front or backyard, it’s good to know you have a place to clear your mind in nature. It is actually called nature therapy and research has shown it had benefits for both your mental and physical health.

Casually observe your neighbors and the surrounding homes in the community. The upkeep of their homes may not be as important as getting to know who they are. Communities of every kind have their fair share of habits, schedules and even personal problems. No one is perfect but you may not want the noisy neighbor next door staring through your sliding glass doors or the rebellious teenager down the street vandalising the street signs. It can be difficult to know this when you first settle into a new home. Conversations with people in town and sometimes the realtor will give you the scoop beforehand.

Explore the area. Take a drive around to see what stores and businesses are close by. Even a bike ride instead of driving will help you see the town from another perspective. If you have to drive 45 minutes to an hour to buy groceries every week or the nearest hospital is painstakingly far away, weigh your options. This is especially true if you have small children or seniors living with you.

Wildlife in the area can actually play a much larger role than you imagined possible. Deers can eat plants and crops and bears can be too close for comfort. Other insects and animals in the area such as mosquitos, scorpions, lizards, squirrels, birds, among many others can impact your home and yard if not accounted for beforehand.
Can you see yourself here for the long term?

Picture you and your family 5 to 10 years from now. Just because you take a mortgage on a home doesn’t mean you have to live there forever. However, uprooting from place to place every few years may not be your goal. If you are planning to start a family in the next couple of years, look at schools in the area as if your children were already born. If you ever had to switch jobs, be sure there are other options within practical commuting distance.
You may not be able to make every mark with flying colors. It is best to see what you can and cannot do without to live a comfortable and prosperous life in your new home!