Infinite & Ingenious – The ‘Picycle’ Can Take You Places
In celebration of Pi Day, the mathematical constant, observed on March 14th because of its first 3 digits 3.14, designers created a fully functional bike in the shape of the pi symbol. Made from a carbon fiber fixy. A lot of work was put into making the bike rideable, strong, safe and attractive.

Malaysian illustrator Yau Hoong first sketched up the 2D drawing and left it up to designers Koomen and Makimovas of transforming it into a 3D bike. They molded, manipulated, sanded, casted, assembled, recasted and reassembled in their studio until the job was done to perfection.

The body of the bike is in a sleek, white finish with black tires and black handle bars that are arms length and lower in the front the way many rode bikes are designed.

Being that Pi represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, observing pi day by creating a two-wheel bicycle with the center piece or the frame in the shape of a mathematical constant that is capable of been rode infinitely was definitely a clever and creative idea!
You have to hand it to these nerdy craftsman, beyond their ability to skillfully engineer and execute the final product, the concept behind their creation is absolutely genius!