Home Insurance

Home insurance is one of those things in life you have to have. There are many companies such as AOR insurances in Ireland which offer cover for your home. Whilst most of us will never need to claim upon our home insurance policy, it is worth having for peace of mind should anything happen. There are a number of frequently asked questions with regard to home insurance, here are a few of those answered.
The first one being what types of home insurance quotes are there? With home insurance there are two types of cover you need to have, buildings insurance and contents insurance. Buildings home insurance covers the structure of your home and any permanent fixtures on there. The easiest way to discover if anything is covered by buildings insurance is to think: if you were moving, would you take it with you? If not then it is covered by your buildings insurance. This covers such items as in built wardrobes and kitchen cupboards. Contents insurance on the other hand covers all your possessions – that is, everything you would take with you should you move: beds, TVs, even towels.
The next one question that is frequently asked it “Do I need home insurance if I have a mortgage?” Buildings insurance is a compulsory purchase if you have a mortgage and you usually need to take it out at the same time you take out your mortgage product. It used to be that you had to take out home insurance with your mortgage, but with so much competition in this area that you can get a great deal if you shop around.
“Do I need buildings insurance if I rent a property?” is often asked. If you rent a property then it is the landlord’s responsibility to take out buildings insurance. However it is advisable to take out contents insurance to cover your possessions, and if you are renting a furnished property it is important you take out cover that includes any items belonging to your landlord.