Mod Poster Exhibition: Vignelli90 Celebrates 90th of Massimo Vignelli

250 posters from 46 countries expressed their vision of his legacy by using image and typography applied to a poster held by The Vignelli Center for Design Studies.

compilation of massimo vignelli poster, advertisement and subway map designs |
Compilation of many different designs created by famous designer Massimo Vignello

Who is Massimo Vignelli? Trust me, you will know his work when you see it, even if you didn’t know who created it! Minimal, modern and with simplistic geometric shapes, he stuck firmly to this modernist style tradition. His first and some consider to be his most important claim to fame: The New York City Subway Map (view compilation above) designed in 1972. It continues to be used with several tweaks and differences over the course of the last 5 decades.

Vignelli died in 2014 but his legacy lives on. He was an Italian designer who worked in a variety of industries, including packaging, houseware, furniture, public signage, and showroom design.

“If you can design one thing, you can design everything,” said Vignelli.

Young vignelli massimo as a young man taking an old-fashioned selfie using a film camera Vignelli Massimo |
Massimo Vignelli as a young man taking an old-fashioned “selfie”

His areas included interior design, environmental design, package design, graphic design, furniture design, and product design. He opened up a school called The Vignelli Center for Design Studies. The same place who is celebrating his 90th year legacy and work with a poster design exhibition. He had high profile clients, aside from NYC, some included Knoll, Bloomingdales, IBM, and American Airlines.

To view the various Vignelli 90th Anniversary poster design contest submissions