Street Art in Towns and Cities Promote a Clean Environment & Positive Message

Towns and cities are commissioning artists to create street art and graffiti. At one time banned, it is now fully accepted and encouraged by the areas it’s being displayed in.

Wall Mural Main Street in Hackensack, NJ

Used for centuries as a form of promotion, sometimes as rebellion, whether it be a controversial statement, tagging names or marking territory, it’s main purpose now is to promote positive ideas and messages from recycling and disposing of trash to unifying the community and love for family.

Wall Mural Main Street in Hackensack, NJ

Vibrant colors and unique imagery adorn the walls, trash cans, recycling bins and traffic poles standing out among the rather mundane cityscape of gray shops and brick buildings that surround them.

Main Street in Hackensack, NJ

It’s vivid contrast easily attracts the eye, getting the message across and enriches the entire area with artwork – turning what was once an average town into a culturally blossoming metropolis.

Main Street in Hackensack, NJ

This type of promotion drives more attention to the town, especially foot traffic, as citizens and visitors explore the area discovering new artwork bringing more business to restaurants and stores along their route.

Wall Mural Main Street in Hackensack, NJ

Artists commissioned for street art projects such as these don’t have to worry about any trespassing violations or defacing of property. Plus, their artwork beautifies the community and it puts forth a positive message to every passerby.

This isn’t to say rogue graffiti artists don’t or won’t have a hand in decorating the community with their artwork but it could even deter unattractive and unhelpful messages, which can make an area look run down or impoverished inhibiting the growth and diversity of the community.

Artwork used to empower citizens and keep the environment clean while adding beauty is a great first step in improving a town or city.