Lose the White and go Neutral

There’s a common misconception that neutral has to be boring but it certainly does not! If you’ve been contemplating losing those white walls for a more neutral shade, you should! Just a hint of color brought in by a neutral shade will totally revamp your room and give it warmth.

  • Cream – If you’re not ready for too much color, cream is the perfect solution. It works well with virtually any decor and it will make the space appear larger, which makes it a perfect color for a small room. You don’t have to worry about buying new furniture or changing your theme either because the color is so versatile.
  • Pale Green – This is a soft, cool shade that is quickly becoming popular because of the calming environment it creates. Moss or sage shades are preferred because they contain less yellow.
  • Bluish-gray – If your home has warmer tones, this shade is probably not a good idea however, if your decor is made up of white, neutral or black, this is a perfect color to compliment what’s already in the space.
  • Smoky Lavender – Not only can a light grayish-lavender shade compliment a neutral room, it’s kind of sexy and mysterious too. This is the color to watch for this year!
  • Grant Beige – While beige always gets the bland word associated with it, this is a color that can look spectacular in a modern room. Alternatively, if you keep your palette very clean with creams, white and a pinch of black, Grant beige can appear very architectural.

If you’re looking for a quick, easy and inexpensive way to give a room a facelift, consider adding a bit of neutral paint to your walls. If you’re someone who has had white walls for a long time, it can be scary to make a commitment to a new color but paint is never permanent so if you find that you’re not in love with it, you can always change it back!