Colors and their meanings

If you’re doing any amount of decorating or remodeling, you probably have heard colors referred to as active, neutral and passive but what does this mean? Sure, someone can tell you that your space needs more active colors but if you’re like most people, this is probably pretty confusing.

Active Colors

As the name suggests, active colors are bold and have the ability to wake up and stimulate emotions. Red, orange and yellow are all considered active colors. Red is passionate, affects the nervous system and can be too intense when overused. Orange is also a fun color but is suggested that when used too much, it stimulates appetite, an important note to keep in mind. Then there’s yellow, a color that simply promotes happiness.

Passive Colors

Colors such as blue, violet and green are considered passive as they calm the nervous system. Green is a dominating color in nature and the right shade will enlarge your room while violet calms and increases creativity. Blue is one of those colors that you have to be careful with. Used properly, it will promote a tranquil environment, but when overused, it can come off quite cold.

Neutral Colors

Nearly everyone is familiar with neutral colors. No, they do not have to be boring! Earth tones are considered neutral and can include anything from creamy light shades to black and rich chocolate. Black is nice to add in with neutral shades but can be depressing when if it is permitted to become the primary color. Neutral colors are ideal to work with as a base because they pair well with both passive and active colors.